3  Inference

3.1 What is it?

Statistical inference, according to Gelman et al. (2021), chap. 1.1, faces the challenge of generalizing from the particular to the general.

In more details, this amounts to generalizing from …

  1. a sample to a population
  2. a treatment to a control group (i.e., causal inference)
  3. observed measurement to the underlying (“latent”) construct of interest

Statistical inference is concerned with making general claims from particular data using mathematical tools.

3.2 Population and sample

We want to have an estimate of some population value, for example the proportion of A.

However, all we have is a subset, a sample of the populuation. Hence, we need to infer from the sample to the popluation. We do so by generalizing from the sample to the population, see Figure Figure 3.1.

(a) Population
(b) Sample
Figure 3.1: Population vs. sample (Image credit: Karsten Luebke)

3.3 What’s not inference?

Consider fig. Figure 3.2 which epitomizes the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics.

Figure 3.2: The difference between description and inference

3.4 When size helps

Larger samples allow for more precise estimations (ceteris paribus).

Sample size in motion, Image credit: Karsten Luebke

3.5 What flavors are available?

Typically, when one hears “inference” one thinks of p-values and null hypothesis testing. Those procedures are examples of the school of Frequentist statistics.

However, there’s a second flavor of statistics to be mentioned here: Bayesian statistics.

3.5.1 Frequentist inference

Frequentism is not concerned about the probability of your research hypothesis.

Frequentism is all about controlling the long-term error. For illustration, suppose you are the CEO of a factory producing screws, and many of them. As the boss, you are not so much interested if a particular scree is in order (or faulty). Rather you are interested that the overall, long-term error rate of your production is low. One may add that your goal might not the minimize the long-term error, b ut to control it to a certain level - it may be to expensive to produce super high quality screws. Some decent, but cheap screws, might be more profitable.

3.5.2 Bayes inference

Bayes inference is concerned about the probability of your research hypothesis.

It simply redistributes your beliefs based on new data (evidence) you observe, see Figure Figure 3.3.

flowchart LR
  A(prior belief) --> B(new data) --> C(posterior belief)

Figure 3.3: Bayesian belief updating

In more detail, the posterior belief is formalized as the posterior probability. The Likelihood is the probability of the data given some hypothesis. The normalizing constant serves to give us a number between zero and one.

\[\overbrace{\Pr(\color{blue}{H}|\color{green}{D})}^\text{posterior probability} = \overbrace{Pr(\color{blue}{H})}^\text{prior} \frac{\overbrace{Pr(\color{green}{D}|\color{blue}{H})}^\text{likelihood}}{\underbrace{Pr(\color{green}{D})}_{\text{normalizing constant}}}\]

In practice, the posterior probability of your hypothesis is, the average of your prior and the Likelihood of your data.


Can you see that the posterior is some average of prior and likelihood?

Check out this great video on Bayes Theorem by 3b1b.

3.6 But which one should I consume?

PRO Frequentist:

  • Your supervisor and reviewers will be more familiar with it
  • The technical overhead is simpler compared to Bayes

PRO Bayes:

  • You’ll probably want to have a posterior probability of your hypothesis
  • You may appear as a cool kid and an early adoptor of emering statistical methods

You’ll learn that the technical setup used for doing Bayes statistics is quite similar to doing frequentist statistics. Stay tuned.

3.7 Lab

Consider your (most pressing) research question. Assess whether it is more accessible via Frequentist or via Bayesian statistics. Explain your reasoning.

3.8 Comment from xkcd


3.9 p-value

The p-value has been used as the pivotal criterion to decide about whether or not a research hypothesis were to be “accepted” (a term forbidden in frequentist and Popperian langauge) or to be rejected. However, more recently, it is advised to use the p-value only as one indicator among multiple; see Wasserstein et al. (2019).


The p-value is defined as the probability of obtaining the observed data (or more extreme) under the assumption of no effect.

Figure Figure 3.4 visualizes the p-value.

Figure 3.4: Visualization of the p-value

3.10 Some confusion remains about the p-value

Source: from ImgFlip Meme Generator

3.11 Exercises

👨‍🏫 Check-out all exercises from Datenwerk with the tag inference. For Bayesian inference, check out the tag bayes on the same website.

3.12 Going further

Goodman (2008) provides an entertaining overview on typical misconceptions of the p-value full text. Poldrack (2022) provides a fresh, accessible and sound introduction to statistical inference; in addition Cetinkaya-Rundel & Hardin (2021) is a worthwhile treatise.